薄型電子磅 Digital Kitchen Scale

HKD 189.00HKD 159.00



Digital Kitchen Scale 薄型廚用電子磅 型號:OLS-003 可量重量:1g-2kg 尺寸:160mmx115mmx31.5mm(H) 耐用的塑膠底座 機身重量164g 使用:2粒3A電池 產地:中國 Size: 160mmx115mmx31.5mm(H) Durable Plastic Base Weight 164g Capacity 1g-2kg Uses 2 AAA batteries Product by: China (會員優惠不適用於網上購物) (Membership Offer not valid for online shopping) ********* 非會員現凡在本網店購物滿原價$200(單一發票計即可申請成為糖屋烘焙之永久會員,必須親臨門市辦理會員手續) 現凡親臨門市購物滿$300(單一發票或累積三個月之發票計算,即可在門市辦理申請成為“糖屋烘焙”之永久會員) 學生會員親臨門市購物滿$100(單一發票計算,即可在門市辦理申請成為“糖屋烘焙”之學生會員) 會員親臨門市選購可享會員優惠: 其他產品均享原價95折優惠 學生會員親臨門市選購均享全部產品9折優惠、電器產品95折及公價貨品除外) (Note: Please note that models the time of purchase) (Membership Offer not valid for online shopping) ********* Non-members who are now in our store purchase original price $ 200 (single invoice terms can apply to become permanent members of baking sugar house, store visits must apply for membership formalities) Now when you visit the store purchase of $ 300 (single invoice or invoices calculate the cumulative three months, you can apply for a \Student members visit the store purchase of $ 100 (single invoice calculation, you can apply for a \Members visit the store to purchase enjoy membership benefits: other products enjoy a 5% discount on the original price Student members went to the store to buy all except enjoy 10% discount on all products, electrical products and 5% off price items)




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所有貨品寄出前均已檢查包裝安全並拍照作紀錄! 如遺失或貨品受損等情況,買家需承擔運送過程風險。 ⭕️所有貨品不設退換,敬請見諒! 🌟(電器產品如非人為損壞、機件入水、自行維修或改裝不能退換,正常情況之問題可於收貨後七天換貨, 請保留有關之發票才有效) Check the package before security had been sent to all goods and photographed for the record! Such as lost or damaged goods, etc., the buyer should bear the risk of the transport process. All the goods do not returned, please forgive me! 🌟 (electrical products such as non-human damage, the parts into the water, to repair or modification can not be returned, it can be a problem normally seven days after receipt of a replacement, please keep the relevant invoice to be effective)
